European Robotics Initiative for Strengthening the Competitiveness of SMEs in Manufacturing
01/01/2012 – 30/06/2016
The SMErobotics vision is to have productive and versatile cognitive robot for the SME shop floor and to deploy them on SME shop floors. This requires principles for how to develop and integrate such systems as well as a methodology for promoting their use by being able to estimate the end-user benefits (economic, technical and ergonomic).
Progress towards realisation of the vision requires a substantial industrial involvement, both to build solutions on real industrial state-of-the-art systems and also to have the outreach to a wide variety of industrial users and applications. The SMErobotics consortium uniquely addresses this opportunity. The mission was to turn the SME-compatible cognitive robot system a reality through enhanced cross-fertilisation between industry and academia.
Contact: Germano Veiga
Final project video