Development and implementation of intelligent and innovative technologies in Naval and metalworking industrial sectors
17/04/2017 – 31/12/2019
The Manufactur4.0 project aims to transfer effectively to the NAVAL and metalworking industry new advanced and low cost manufacturing technologies, as real and measurable examples of the improvements that R&D&I can bring.
It will translate in the following benefits:
– Enhance relations between research centers and enterprises
– Encourage the introduction of 4.0 technologies in a strategic sector for the Euro-region Galicia-North of Portugal.
The project will result in the technification 4.0 of the naval and metalworking sector of the Euro-Region, based on SMEs, achieving the development and transfer to this industry of new highly advanced manufacturing technologies, and with it, a remarkable increase of the ratio of patents requested in this field. This will make it possible, in the medium-long term, to have a joint collaboration structure in the field of advanced manufacturing for the sector in the Euro-region, and an industrial fabric with high technical capacity, both in development, and implementation and exploitation of manufacturing technologies.
Contact: Luís Rocha