Aligning Manufacturing Decision Making with Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
01/11/2016 – 31/10/2019
The DM4Manufacturing project is focused on the development of the new generation of industrial production systems with an integrated development on the technology level (Robotics) and on the upper layers of production management(ICT based decision making). The alignment is therefore clear with the national strategy for I&I under the following domains (1) Production Technologies and Product Industry, with emphasis on the area of activity ICT application to the production systems and (2) ICT with emphasis on the activity line ICT applied to industry (Robotics).
On the application level the project is driven by two specific use cases that target vehicle industry, namely the automotive and the aeronautics. Therefore the project is aligned with another priority domain for the national strategy of I&I (3) Automotive, Aeronautics and Space with the main focus on the area of activity ICT application on the Automotive, Aeronautics and Space.
On INESC TEC the project involves three centers: CRIIS – Centre for Industrial Robotics and Intelligent Systems, CESE – Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering and CEGI – Centre for Industrial Engineering and Management.
On a regional level the project involves partners from Porto (INESC TEC), Coimbra (CEMUC-University of Coimbra) and Lisbon (CEG-IST, Association of Instituto Superior Técnico for Research and Development (IST-ID)).
Contact: António Paulo Moreira